I haven't blogged here much, maybe it was due to moving, the computer crashing, grad school, who knows. I know that there have been times I thought about it but life is moving a long like a whirlwind. So often I come home in the evening and can't even think about what to do next, let alone find time to sit and blog. Good think I function in auto-mode. Work, dinner, baths, bed, then up a few hours later to do it again.
We have moved, which, is good and bad. I love the new home but there is no garden space here. I am going to build garden beds in the yard like our last home, but this yard is challenging. We are on a slope and there are so many huge trees that will shade the garden. I think that I will do four beds that are four by four, then one that is eight by four, and then a few smaller beds tucked here and there. I bought a mini greenhouse that seeds will be started in. I haven't put it together yet . . . hopefully today if all goes well.
Thinking about gardening, wow. We now are the proud owners of a Saint Bernard. I think that I see disaster happening with the new garden beds, but time will tell. We have to figure out how to keep our sanity and keep him out of the gardens at the same time. Should be, uhm, challenging?
I think I may explore container gardening a bit more as the one fully sunny space we have is on our back deck. I find that I still get stuck in my "garden goes in the ground in a square" mentality when it comes to planting.
As for the rest of life, in my nongardening bits, I think I am bordering on exhaustion. Serious, serious exhaustion. I work four ten hour days and go to grad school on Fridays. Monday nights we have girl scouts, Thursday nights we have boy scouts. By Friday night I am non functioning, my brain is completely numb. Saturday we clean, shop, do all the things we need to do. The kids want to go to church on Sundays. I am trying to find my last piece of energy from wherever I can find it, to accomplish this as well. Did I mention that softball starts this week? Lordy
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2 months ago