This far bed against the fence is just cucumbers with one lone tomato plant that popped up in the corner. No tomatos from it yet but tons of green ones! The bed next to it is green beans, tomatos, basil and oregano. Today I planted a bunch of fall peas in it, I know. . . . doesn't look like there is any room there huh! Hopefully the beans and tomato's will be gone in time for the peas, and then I will fill the bed with onions and leeks I have growing from seed.

Chard. . . I have so much Chard I don't know what to do with it anymore! I have chopped it to the ground and it comes right back! I am waiting to wake up with a giant chard plant in my room!!!! This bed has chard, zucchini, cabbage, tomatos and basil in it. Oh, and a little bit of green beans. I cleaned alot of cabbage out for the corn relish so it has freshly seeded turnips and beets in the empty spaces now
Seriously, as to the Chard . . . any recipes would be welcome!
A beautiful red tomato. . .. was wonderful for the BLT's we had for dinner that night !!!!
Any clue what these tomato's are? I can't find the tag, they weren't from seed. They have a strange sorta upside down cone shape? Almost remind me of old fashioned Christmas bulbs. None what turned red yet . . . so I have no idea the color or taste but I haven't seen one like this before!
Hard to see from this post, but this is a vine from a lemon cucumber. Very few cucumbers from it this year so far but the vine here is about 2 inches wide and has a huge flowery thing on the end. I have never seen this before. . .. very very strange!
So far, things are going well though, we have fresh veggies every day. Right now we are bringing in chard (obviously!) a few last onions, cucumbers, tomatos, green beans, zucchini, yellow crookneck squash, herbs, and still have garlic from the harvest last year. I have several flats that are full of broccoli, cabbage, onions, lettuce, cauliflower and leeks for the fall. This weekend I direct seeded rutabaga, peas, beets and carrots for the fall garden. I forgot spinach though! yikes!
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