You can tell the garden is in full swing when dinner is whatever I can grab out of the garden and toss into a pot with pasta LOL! Tonight, I came home from dinner, hot, tired, ready to just curl up and sleep but then I realized I forgot about dinner. Four hungry kids staring at me quickly made me jump on it. I found several chicken breasts in the fridge, so I sauteed those up and then went to the garden with a basket. . . Ten minutes later I returned with Zucchini, basil, tomatos, swiss chard and onion. Tossed that into the skillet, and we had pasta. I used the leftover zucchini and mixed it with onion, parmeson, flour and garlic. We then fried it into little patties, YUM!!! We can't make enough of that!

This Buddha statue is in the backyard. I realized that a few tomatos volunteered around it. I decided to let them go, I think maybe cherry tomatos? I'm not sure yet!

Tonights dinner harvest, Walla Walla onion, tomatos, zucchini, basil and Chard that never made it in the pic?

This is my meditating frog. My aunt bought him for me when I graduated college. I love him!

This is Freud, the bunny, who happens to think that my garden is his salad bar

A few more volunteer Walla Walla's. I have been told they aren't compatible growing with beans but they seem quite content here, so do the beans lol!
Blurry pics of the first red tomato's. Heaven!!

Can you say pickles? Lots and lots of pickles!

Cabbage, boy we have alot of cabbage. I am running out of ideas. Usually we throw it in soup, toss it in a stir fry, or shred it and throw sesame oil and soy sauce in it. Now I am running out of ideas fast!

This became tonight's zucchini patties!
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