We are having one heck of a heat storm here in Oregon. Over the weekend it was about 99, so not so bad. I took the kids to the movies, we went to a creek once only to find it was contaminated with E. Coli . . . ugh. We spent the weekend cleaning out the garage, gardening, catching up on laundry etc.
Then today I head off to work and around 1pm I had to leave to do a home visit with a family. BAM it was so hot I could barely breathe. I saw a sign that said 111! The official temperature was 106, and tomorrow it is supposed to be 107. It is so hot that I find it hard to breathe at times, I feel myself just begin to wilt under the air and heat. . . . I want to go somewhere, anywhere, far away from this heat.
The garden is holding up surprisingly well. The kids? Not so well. Tonight was Kiah's night too cook dinner. She planned spaghetti but somehow forgot to read a recipe. SO, she browned sausage, but then added tomato paste and tomato sauce. She did pick some basil from the garden (forgot te oregano) and added maybe. . . 1/4 cup of salt? Then, sweet baby let it simmer all day so it was basically a very thick salty paste. She tried. . . . oh, and then she baked (yes she baked on a 106 day) some bread to go with it.
She gets brownie points for effort. . .
but we had to order pizza. It was sad. Her heart was broken and she tried so hard but there was no edible way to get that down. I had her try a bite. She spit it out. My heart broke. If I could have ate that spaghetti sauce I would have, but I was afraid of the salt intake for my old hot body. (hot would definately be temperature here. . . not "hot body" in any other way lol)
SO, we are now in a house with AC all day that is a toasty 99 degrees. . . . the oven really helped ensure we are toasty lol
and now, its hot, the gardens watered, the bunnies are cooled down. . . .
Im headed to bed to do it all over again . . . lol
Alaska sounds better every single day . . . .
Brand spanking new!
2 months ago
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