Thursday, September 30, 2010


Random thoughts that mean everything and nothing . . . kept tonight . .. .

being on the bunk, michael and stacy . . . I was very afraid. There was tickling and my "uncle" but the fear was that the uncle would hurt me. How would I have had that fear? How old was I? I think around three. Trying to hide up against the wall so I wouldn't be reached or touched. everybody laughed. I laughed. but why was there fear.]

the nightmare

There is a door leading down the steps . .. I go down the steps, sometimes only four or five, sometimes its very long. There is darkness . . .a sense of disarray. Dirt, lots of dirt. there is dirt on the walls and floor. Things are crumbling. I want to get out and I begin to try to leave. I can't leave. Im' being grabbed . . . people are grabbing me. There are voices but I don't seem to be able to connect to the voice. I'm trying to yell and I can't yell. . . . I see teh stairs but I can't reach them. Im going to die. I choking. I'm dying. I'm scared . . . I try to escape but I can't go anywhere. I'm stuck. I think im dying. I can see the stairs. they are there, I can see them. I can sometimes feel them.

Michael is there, we are in a sand box, my dress is yellow and has two ruffles on the bottom. My legs are open. Michael is there. It hurts. I don't want my mom to see. im embarrased. I have pigtails. a curl in the pigtail. im scared. im embarrased. I want to go away. somebody comes. there is sand.

im sick, everybody is calling me a sickie. im upset and angry. I don't want to be the dirty bad girl. im hiding behind a hedge of grapes or floewrs. im crying. I am afraid of kendall. he has a beard and is scary. he kisses me, i don't want him to kiss me, its wet. I am a bad girl. bad girl. im sick and nobody wants to touch me, im contaminated or dirty or feel very yucky. I want to hide behind the bush. there is a couch, he is on the couch, he is yucky and wants to hug and touch me. Where is this house? I think I was four or five. this was later.

Why was i a scared child, why was fear always something that was in my life. I never feared what others feared. i feared being raped and choked to death. I feared being held down and hit, bbeing hurt badly. I thought I woudl be tortured. Torture was always a thought as long as I can remember. My fear of being caught alone, my fear of being alone. my fear. where does a small child learn to fear for teir body. In hebor, i was five, and i feared leaving the porch because somebody would hurt me and get me. i can't remember a time in my life where I wasn't scared. that fear lingered and became a cloak to my life. i never spent the night out because of fear or took a risk due to fear. what did I fear. Who caused that fear, why was that fear there.

whhy was my story of such interest to others. why did everbody think it was so funny that i told stories of rape and violence. why was thsi interesting and why did nobody step in to protect me. why has nobody ever protected me. wnhy doesn't anbyody care. I had uncles i had a dad, i had a mom. did nobody see the sign, my gramma did. what did she see to make her warn my mother. why did my mother never tell me. did everybody know. is this a scam to take the pressure off of michael. why was my little body and soul secondary to a good story. why wasn't i good enough to be protected and loved. why couldn't i be picked up off that floor and bathed and held and reassured. why was I left there. why did nobody care. why was I crying. Why was i ignored. why was I hushed.

she knew. thats what got me. she knew
how and why did this never come to me. why in all the stories of what I should go there for did it never hit me . why wasn't I told that my grandmother stepped in to save me. why did my grandmother care enough to warn but not enough to remove me. what did she see did she see the act or did she just asssume. why did my mother never care and why does she describe it as the best time of our lives. maybe it was the worst time of my life. where was my mother that she couldn't care what was happening to her baby. i was her baby once. is that when she stopped loving me? did I ruin her reality. did I scar her picture show and illusion with my broken little body. did she block this or did she care . when did she stop loving me. was it then? did she see it. did my aunt tell her. my aunt knew. She knew when she was washing the laundry in the bucket of soap outside the house on the hell. I came to her. I know she knew. She was angry with me. I was told to go in the house. there were rocks by the path. she was mad. was I bad. was I dirty. I was dirty, I was in the dirt. there was grass too. but that was a different house. That wasn't the small house. that was the house on the hill. If my mom knew why was I there. my grandmother told her well before.

two years old in oak knoll. I don't remember it. I began to talk. There was a snake, a big snake. it hurt me. there was a husband or a man. he hurt me. he raped me. how does a two year old know that. how does a two year old describe a rape unless they have endured that rape. why was that funny. why does it get told to me with such joy. why did nbody tell me before the awful truths

driving to the cabin I realized its a body memory. even before I knew we were anywhee close my speech disorganized and my heart began to pound. my body remember that, my soul remember that. the cabin makes me panic, i am vile and sick to my stomach. my flight instinct takes over and I want to flee the scene. the reality begins to sink in as she tells me to put on my clinicians hat and describe what it sounds like. why didn't i see that before, its so obivious. seeing the cabin on the way back impounds that, before we hit the curb the fear wells, the intensity is there, the pain is there. it hurts but its terrifying, like crawling and fighting and gasping for air. why am i gasping for iar. im not sure I want to remember the details or not, im not sure if I should, im not sure if it matters. this is the fear though the fear that has haunted me always, im running and im fighting and im not getting anywhere. i cante get away, i can'g to, im being smothered, there is dirt so much dirt, its grinding and hurting me, its pebbly dirt. there is thumping so somebody is there, its dark, but there is light from somewhere. there is more then one but who. who is the other. there is michael

stay apolgoizes. i rmemeber stacy apologizes and I dn't knwo for what. she is in the bthroom and holding my face. i am maybe eight. I don't know for what but i tell her its ok. why is it ok. what is she apologizing for. was she the other one. no. the other was a boy. they were big. big boys. scary boys. my panties were white with pink rosebuds. where are they. brown. wet. dirty and smeared. my hair wsa full of sticks. where are the sticks from.

the utter and complete fear of stairs my entire life didn't hit me til today. my attempts at going dow nthe stairs from my room growing up. i was panicked and would race before anybody could catch me. I refuse to go down my stairs if the lights are n't on. descending into marsha and dales root cellar was torture to put it mildly. i made it into a joke but the panic and te fear tht would wel up inside me wasn't funny. when i run up my stairs at my house there is that jolt of adrenaline. i panic always. why didn't i see this before. stairs have been my giggest fer. my house on mill creek. they would tell me to go up or down the stiars and i would cry, the fear would parralyze me. i get it now. I understand it now. now i understand. my body is reacting in fear to what it experienced. i was that child held under there. it all makes sense. it fits together. everybody knew but i wa held in the dark thil the end. wy was i the laughingstock. why was i the funny story. wy wasn't anybody there to step up to the plate for me.

is that where the fear began. the fear of being so far away that somebody would take me and drag me away. is that where she tstopped loving me, because i was a dirty sameful child. my entire childhood is rooted in pain and fear, in hurt and being scared, in constant visions of rape and choking, of skinned knees and bruises. who the fuck nows that at four or five. this fear has dominated my life.

always trees and woods in my fears, bieng hurt and left out, being attacked and not seeing it coming, being the dirty one, the bad girl, the yucky one. but i carried that role. i walked right through my life with the one who wasn't good enough for any others ta. why . well now i know why. now it makes sense

like my father hse knew. so casually knew
so casually told me
how is my victimization so casual for her. Oh ya . . .theres a story . ... why am i thrity five and just hearing that story when i have heard the other for so many yars. what did she have to gain by holding the dark veil over the truth.

hes dead now. did she feel relief when he died. he raped his daughters. i forgot. oh my gld. he raped his baby girls. his twin girls. why did i not get that

when he raped his babies, did nobody look back and consider me. was i the afterthought that didn't matter. im always the afterhought, the one that is strong enough to conquer all. the one that trudges through. what if i don't want to trudge through. what if I want the be the first though. what if I wanted to be picked up and held the way his babies were held. they had a mommy that picked them up. i wanted that.

dear little girl
if i could be there now i would hear you . . . i would hear the muffled sounds and he bumps. i would come to find you knowing that there was a small child that nboody saw. I would see your litle blonde head and your fear stricken eyes. i would come and pull you off of that dirty floor and carry you out. i would wrap my arms around you and hold you tight, whispering that everything would be alreight. i would hold you and rock you and sing to you until your tears dried on your face and you no longer had a body wracking iwth sobs. you cried hard, you were scared but embarrassed to cry. you made a decision to stop crying that day but little girl i would hold you and tell you to cry. i would hold you and wipe the tears then take you in and wipe them away. i would tell you that you are going to hurt but that you are loved and potectid and that nothing will happen to you again. Little girl I would find them and keep them from you forever. i would never lie to you about your trauma and pain, i would never lead you to believe that you were fine. i would hold a place in my heart o to allow you to feel the pain that they inflicted upon you. i would hold a place to comfort you afterwards and tell you i was there to care for you. little girl I would slowly pick the sticks from your hair and the briars and dirt from your clothing. I would put you in a clean dress and wipe the dirt and soot from you. I would give you a big bowl of ice cream and tell you how safe you were. i would hang on to you when you cried and hold you through te nightmares, bringing you out of them and back into the reality owrld where nobody could hurt you. i wouldn't let them hurt you. i wouldn't let your life change because of the actions of a few. I would keep him from hurting you again. I would keep you safe. little girl I would fight to keep you and every other little girl safe. your little pigtails were curled, so blonde and short. I would comb them and put bows in them so you smile whth delight when you sa w them. you wouldn't hurt any more. i would keep you safe. little girl im sorry you weren't kept safe. little girl im sorry there was nobody there to keep you warm and protected.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The pieces came together today. I'm not in a place in my life at thsi moment that I can unpack them but today it was like a jigsaw puzzle and the pieces came together. I realized things I never had a clue about before and it is surreal. It is bordering on painful but tonight, it can't be. Tonight I want t smile and I want it all ok. Tonight I don't want to think about the reality that soon is slamming home to me. Then again, its not reality, it is history. i am in a safe place to think about this history. I am an adult now and this gives so many answers to so many questions. I can't belive teh obvious wasn't so obvious before. I need to not go there right now but at the same time I can't shake the inevitable, its bordering on the brink . . . right there . . .threatening to slip into my emotional reality any minute. I am fighting harder to contain this primal scream then I ever have had to maintain any emotion. The terror and sadness is so close, so bordering teh edge. God I hope I make it through this night. I don't want to fuck everything up because I can't control myself. Please god why now. Why do I have to have this realizeation on thsi day at this moment. Oh god.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Im already feeling the frustration grow in me. I started my placement today which went better then I could have expected. I was up at 530, getting ready to head out. I wasn't sure what to expect for my first day so just dressed casual and hoped for the best. When I got to the town I realized I forgot the directions. Great. I thought I could remember . . . haha nope. I realized that I had the old directions in my planner though and pulled up one minute before seven am. Perfecto!

The morning started off great, I got a tour of the entire facility, met the physicians and several nurses. I was able to meet the man who runs the addictions program (which I may be working with!) and other pertinent individuals. I was excited to see my office. I have a desk by a window. The office is simply decorated in tribal sayings, prints and articles. On the windowsill by my desk is a nesting of sticks as well as a piece of root that is burned ceremoniously by tribal members. It's a good reminder that this is a different kind of a work environment.

I watched videos the rest of the morning and then my new field instructor took me for lunch. We talked about various aspects of my work and what I wanted to do. She mentioned my queerness a few times. I realized I felt like a traitor. Am I still queer? I guess I am but I am with a male now, and that changes everything. I finally felt that to withhold that information would be misleading so I told her. It was interesting. Her reaction was more that of curiousity. We talked about it a little bit later as well. I didn't feel judgement but it made me realize how different this world may be for me. The day continued to be working out details such as voicemail, badges etc. It ended with a bang when a crisis happened and I was the only one available. Trial by fire I suppose.

So, I got out later then I anticipated and pulled back into town around six pm. Tired . . hot . . overwhelmed . . .I realized I had to stop for milk and bread. Into the store I trudge, my legs worn out and all I wantedto do was get home. I gathered my groceries and pull into my driveway only to be met by my kiddo. She was sobbing hysterically because Kiah locked her in the room for two hours. Not good. NOT GOOD AT ALL. Struggling under groceries and sobbing kids I meet Kiah who announces that I was the one who told her to keep Hannah in the room. My anger flew through the roof. Why would I say that? Ever? It makes no sense. Kiah and I are hashing it out while I am putting away groceries and trying to shred the roast in the crock pot for tacos.

Finally . . . dinner on the table, I still haven't sat down. I'm frustrated and tired. I dish teh kids food for them and sit at the table while they eat. Eating at this point holds no appeal for me at all. I just want to sit and do nothing. This obviously is not in the cards for me tonight. As I am trying to gather my breath I hear about Hannah wanting to play vollyball and Jake wants flag football . .. my minds screaming "WHEN WHEN WHEN" . . . Kiah is having an attitude and tells her boyfriend they can't go to homecoming cus I said no (I said no if she didn't straighten her attitude). Katies not home so I begin cleaning up after the dinner mess while doing yet another load of never ending laundry . . . dreaming of a moment to sit. . . just . . .. sit . ..

Of course, then it was sweeping, yelling at kids to take out the trash, folding the laundry . . jake can't find socks for tomorrow . . . the bedroom is a mess again . . . jakes shirts are missing OH NO they are under the stack of dirty laundry because he never put them away . . . oh my god are you kidding me . . .

Did I mention the bag of dog food split open and was spread down the hall? Seriously? Why me god? Why?

So, I gave up, left the mess, collapsed to read another chapter of Harry Potter. I pulled the wreckage of a room into the center and threatened them with their lives or at least no more ice cream if they don't have it done tomorrow . .. now its quarter after eight and I am finally sitting. I am worn out. My body hurts and my head is killing me.

This will get better. I will adjust. I need to organize . . . I bought frozen pizza for tomorrow, hell with nutrition. Hurry up June . . .

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I got the call

She was raped.

God Dammit.

So young, so angry, so brave and strong and eager to run.

He took it from her.

He . . . in his fucked up, twisted mind, in the depravity that hits when the soul just leaves . . .

he stold it from her.

WHY does this continue to happen. WHY do men feel they have the right to just rip the core from young girls. This will affect her forever. I know. I know . . .

He goes on . . . probably spinning some sick and twisted fantasy

She will never trust. She will always look over her shoulder. She will have doubts that creep into every decision of her life. She will live in fear, struggle to survive, die trying or die trying to prove she is worth something to somebody. I know. . ..

That son of a bitch.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

drunk blogging again. not good. I wonder if i will have to delete this post to. Sometimes i write and write . . .coming back later and realizing that i make an ass out of myself when I do this. Tonight I am so torn up and raw I dont care. i'm blogging. hell with it.

this has been such a bad week at work, starting with traveling out of state to pick up a child who did not want to come with me. She made her plans, she wanted to stick with it. i wished she could have but the law is the law and I pulled her back with me. The plan was for me to have a few days off to make up for it but alas, there was no placement for thsi child so i have been babysitter de jur.

I wouldn't have minded had she been slightly reasonable, instead I am the queen of all evil to her. I spend my days being accosted by her, screamed at, cursed out, alternating between how much she loves me and how scared she is to having her tell me she may as well kill herself now because she wants to die . . . all because of me. When I don't have the pleasure of her company I have been working myself to the bone to prepare to send this child back to the state she wants to be in . . . . until today. until it came out that serious sex abuse apparently was happening. Of course I understand it. Nobody else does. i'm thrust into my own situation where I was willign to keep my mouth shut about being raped daily because it meant I had food on the table and a bed to sleep in. Gone were the days of sleeping in a car or under a tree. i had a fire a night, and it was well worth the embarrassment of having to be raped by a man thirty years older then me. After awhile rape no longer hurts. It settles into a numbness, a shield that protects the body and soul for the harsh realities of your body being invaded at somebody elses beck and call.

I'mfighting for her and she doesn't even know. She doesnt care. She cussed me out, spit on me and threw a book at me today. She told me she will get loaded regardless of what i say. She hates me. I should be dead and shewould be fine. It was lovely. I wonder what will happen when I tell her she can't go back.

I move from her to my next child, a child who spent the entire hour talking about her abuse, her trauma, her pain. She will be ok . . . she has a solid base. . . .

Back to the office I go, thinking hwo nice it would be to go hoem early, cook dinner, play with my babies. I was . . . am . . . exhausted. I miss my lover, I miss my bed, I miss my energy. I wanted to be home and recharge. Then . . . I get the call . . .

another young girl I have sent home, one I made a contraversial decision about . . .one I have been watching and monitering the best I can . . . made a suicide attempt. For confidentiality I can't speak of it but the poitn is I am responsible. I sent her home. I sent her into a pit of vipers who started again and wasn't there to save her. She t ried to save herself through death.

what the fuck am I thinking that I can do this job. I did exactly what I set out not to do. I placed a child at risk. A child almost lost her life. A child still could lose her life or her functioning. Why? because I sent her home. I . . . of all peopple . .. know that home is never safe. what was I thinking.

I came home after working several mroe hours to find myself utterly devastated. i don't know that I can continue with this line of work. I don't know how to find the words to tell her im sorry. I don't know why i thought I was well enough to do this. im fucked up and now she is fucked up.

I came home to beer and sobbing. maybe its the stress of the last few weeks, maybe its traveling, maybe its exhaustion or maybe its all. I am a mess. and, in the middle of my mess, is bill, always bill. Right there to remind me how weak and pathetic I am next to him. Right there to remind me that my lover and I will never be. Right there to tell me on one hand how much he loves me and on the other hand to tell me that he doesn't care what I ask. I told him if he cared then let me love my lover. Let me be happy, let me move on. Let me be. Just be. Thats all I ask. with his swagger he reminds me that he goes where he wants, does what he does. Its just like that. I have no choice.

im thinking its best ot just go. run. leave. gone. Why fight it. why?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

So tired that I know I shouldn't be writing. Exhaustion is the worst time to write and yet seems to be the time when I am drawn the most to writing. Sometimes the element of emotional and physical exhaustion lends itself to creating a place of just being raw and open, walls going down, flood doors opening. Other times it lends itself to writing a jargled jumbled mess that makes no sense at all. Usually I don't read my stuff later so it doesn't matter but sometimes i go back. Its then that I see the times I write that are spurred by different emotions, highs and lows, hopes and fears. It affects the way I write. The way I think. The basic simple facts I believe in or don't. Maybe thats why my life is rocky and rolling . . . maybe there is no solid ground. Maybe there never will be.

When I look at my future, in ten years, I see a blank page. I don't know how to fill it in, what to write, what colors to choose. I don't see a theme or a canvas. its just blank. At some times I believe that in ten years I will be married, the kids mostly out of the house, I will be traveling and secure in my career. I will cook for lots of people and play with grandkids as much as possible. Life will be about having fun and relaxing.

Other times I can't imagine that. I wonder what the point is. I am terrified of complacency and settling into a mundane middle class existence. I want to join the peace corp and travel teh world or adopt five kids and build a life for them. I want to do the extraordinary, not sit in a mundane lifestyle and watch the years pass by. I've no fear of death but a huge fear of not living life to its fullest. I don't want to be rich or famous, I don't want to drive a new car or outfit my family in the latest brand names. I just want to life fully.

Every day I wake up and think about how amazing this life is. Maybe you have to go through an experience where your basic fundamentals are stripped from you before you can truly recognize how amazing it is to simply go for a walk, take a drive or plan a vacation. I even still get emotional when I make a phone call at times, remembering the years I wasn't allowed. Watching television still feels like I am going to get in trouble . . . I wait for my husband to come around the corner and catch me. Lying in a bubble bath with a book is exhilerating and at the same time I'm so aware that I would have caught hell for weeks just a few years ago.

Looking into my future, I never really saw myself with anybody again. I can't imagine shifting my life to include somebody who would once again have a say over where I go and what I do with my time. How would I let somebody in who could bar me from a weekend trip or limit my choices and freedom. I logically can understand that I only will find this relationship if I let myself and that there are many many men out there who aren't this way. How do you ever know though? really know?

And under all of that . . . how do you know your strong enough to move on? strong enough to be a true partner to another and yet to hold your own space and boundaries, your own beliefs and ideals without becoming homogonized to the other person? Where do you allow the lines to blur and yet know when to hold steadfast to yourself? I haven't had a relationship like that . . . I realize that i want that . . . and that I'm woefully unprepared ot know how to proceed. I find myself being pulled back into patterns of the past, thinking I should settle for the 'safe' man . . . the one who won't rock the boat, who . . . while kind and gentle is also not the one I am pulled to. The one I am pulled to is like fire . . . and I'm a moth drawn to the flame . . . dancing so close I am bound to be burned but so delighted in the lick of flames I care not. And then . . . when all is quiet, I think about it, logic sets in and I began logically explaining to myself why the other is safer. Its not a fire . . . its more like a warm blanket that just cloaks you . . . its comfortable, its easy, it asks for nothing and requires nothing. There is companionship and maybe even chemistry but it pales in the light of the other.

My old habit has always been to shy away from what I really want to seek out what is safe. My history shows that this has never been safe nor has it ever worked for me. Do I dance in the flame . . . do I throw aside old habits and dive in head first, letting all caution to the wind . . . asking for nothing in return and knowing that I may have to pick myself up from the ashes when I am done? OR . . . do I keep it as a special memory and go back to the safe place, the warm arms, the quietness, the dark eyes. Do I dip back to the one who silently has the world to offer? I don't know . . . do I want that world? I don't think so . . .

Maybe I am answering my own questions . . . I began this talking about not wanting to live a mundane existance but to push the boundaries of life. I want the passion, the spark, the backbending toe curling arching hanging on for dear life passion. That doesn't come often. That passion becomes passion for all things in life . . . arts, career, friendship, life . . . but that passion can cost one hell of a price. It can cost me everything. I don't know . . .

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Coming home from the playa I had so much emotion in my soul. I was feeling so healed and ready for my future whatever that holds. I left behind the expectations and the pain from the past, said goodbye to relationships that didn't matter anymore, was full of love from my playa family and was looking forward to coming home recharged and ready.

Until Sunday night, when I found out that Dale, a man who was the kindest, gentlest, best person I have ever known, had passed away. It was a shock. I knew he was sick but Dale is a strong man and up until last week when I left, was still out on the baling tractor working the alfalfa. I didn't see this coming. I feel like somebody just opened my chest, ripped my heart out and left a huge dark cave where once was a soul.

Today I spent remembering. I couldn't do anything. I can't bring myself to go to the farm. I can't bring myself to make the call. I can't face the reality that the one safe place in my entire life is gone. He is gone, and soon, she will be gone to. I am unprepared for the fact that I don't have a center any longer, no stability or anchor in my life. I feel like I am about to set into a drift with no directions and it scares the hell out of me.

When I was fifteen, my home was so abusive that police and child welfare intervention was necessary. The day I left was the scariest day of my life. I ran and hid in the bushes from my stepfather as he raced his motorcycle up and down the street trying to find me. I would like on the ground with my baby (his child) under me so that he couldn't see us. He had threatened to kill us so many times that I have no doubt, he would have, that day, had he found us. Eventually though we arrived at the police station. The fear was immense. They took little Jayme from me and had a woman watching her while I went to another room and was interviewed for hours by the detective. The humiliating pieces from the past three years all came out. . . one by one. After that we were driven to child welfare, the office where i work now .. . . specifically in the same office that my supervisor is now in . . . . at that point, I began to realize that not only was I not going home, but that there was nowhere for me to go. As a teenager with a toddler, no home was certified for us both. I didn't know what that meant but I knew I was scared. Scared for me and my baby girl.

We went back to the center we had originally been at. There it began to come out that I was going home with this little white haired lady Marsha. She wasn't a foster parent but she came out fighting for me. I remember the detective stating to her that I was in very high danger until my stepfather was caught. Marsha smiled and said "I have a big shotgun in the closet, a son on one side and another on the other side . . . nobodys gonna hurt these kids". With that, she loaded Jayme and I in her car and home we went. I was terrified. I saw a Jesus sticker on her car and hoped it would be ok. She told me she had a husband. Dale. I was more terrified then ever.

As we pulled into Marsha and Dales home I gasped. So many times I had drove by their home and wished for a life like that. The sweet white farmhouse, acres of green growing hay, the cows and chickens. I cried and told her. She welcomed me home. She set about making a space in the room for me. What I didn't know, is that she had never taken a kid home before. She took a risk for me. Her husband, Dale, allowed that risk.

I met him soon. He was tall, cowboy hat, a farmer to the core. Dale didn't speak much and I was terrified of him. My experience with men wasn't very good and he was very big. He never said much, but was polite. A few days later they called me to see a birth of a calf. That calf died, and Dale was concerned for the mother. He went to buy a baby calf at the auction and invited me. I was terrified and refused to go. He sensed my fear . . . he was soon back with a tiny baby cow and let me watch as he introduced her to the grieving mother. He was so gentle and concerned.

Over the next twenty years, Dale and Marsha were my anchor and my rock. They would come to visit, come for the holidays. One year there was a flood and rats kept coming through the sewer lines . .. . for Christmas Dale bought me a huge rat trap as a joke. He was kind and funny. On my graduation from high school when everybody forgot me, Dale came in from the fields and took me to dinner to celebrate. He loved my children and I in a calm and safe way that nobody ever had before. He could be moved to anger though. One particular time I was stuck in a very unsafe situation with a man I had been dating. I couldn't find my way out and was scared. I called Marsha and Dale answered. He knew right away something was wrong and said "are you safe?" I wasn't . . . and he knew. Within moments him and Marsha were there to help me once again and take me home, to the farm. He had a few simple choice words for that young man but we all knew he wasn't joking.

Home. Thats what the farm is. When my life was in turmoil at fifteen . . . it was home. When my mother brought my stepfather back into my life at sixteen, I ran away in the middle of the night in a snowstorm with my daughter and hid while Marsha and Dale drove an hour to pick us up . .. and take us home. I lived with them for months, building money, skills, and letting my heart heal . . . before I could move on again. When my heart was broken, I went home, to the farm. When my marriage ended, It was Marsha and Dale who healed me again. Sitting at the table with farm food being served, Dale drinking his milk, Marsha fussing over me. I was safe there. Probably the only place on this planet that I was safe, that is consistent, that is solid. I can go in the middle of the night, on any given day of the week. I can call when my world is crashing or when something exciting is happening. Most of the last ten years I have spoken to them daily, sometimes good, sometimes rocky, but always there. They parented me. They raised me. They encouraged me to do better and knocked me around when I was spinning out of control.

Now, he is gone. No more farming the fields. No more watching the tractor weaving in and out. No more laughing as my children climbed onto his lap and got their first tractor ride or jumped in the pickup to head out to a far field. The farm is going to be sold . . . I can't imagine my life without walking in the garden or picking clusters of grapes. The thought of never sitting at that table and sipping tea from Marsha's teacup collection or being teased about my fear of the basement is terrifying.

So little of my life has ever been solid, I don't hold connections or keep grounded. I don't carry on traditions. I don't have a safe childhood home I long to return to. I float like a crushed dandelion in the wind. When I crash, hurtling in a downward spiral I land at the farm. Now . . . that is gone.

Without Dale, Marsha won't make it for long. She has been suffering from a host of problems for awhile and dementia is beginning to settle in. She needed Dale to care for her. She needs the lifelong patterns of gardens and chickens, church and quilting. Without them she will begin to lose everything . . . and then I will lose her.

I am scared for me. I am scared for my children. This is the anchor, the rock, the solid place in my life and its gone. Nobody to ask my questions of any longer. Nobody to cry to, or to share joy with. Nobody to listen when I am confused. It's gone. The only solid thing in my life, is gone.

I know I shouldn't be selfish. Dale is in a better place, I believe that. Marsha will join him soon and if anbody on this earth should make it to heaven its them. But, im here, and im scared. I panic and get lightheaded when I think about my life now. How do I recharge? Where is my safe place going to be? Who is there to care at all now? To guide me and pull me back into line? There is nobody. I'm alone . . . completely alone. I am so scared.

This week I have to face his funeral. I don't think I can. The children want to go and say goodbye. I can't say goodbye. I cried and sobbed so hard this morning I drove the wrong way and had to stop on the shoulder of the road. My sobs led to wails, to a primal level of pain and release, to shaking and heaving, sobbing, hysteria. I had to come home and tell the children. Katie stared at me blankly . . . she hasn't connected yet. Makiah crumpled and began sobbing much the way I did . . . . Jayme, sat silent for a moment and then the tears came . . . . Hannah and Jacob cried . .. we all are feeling lost.

I always have to be the strong one to get everybody through. This time, I don't know if I can. I don't know where that strength is. I feel vacant and empty. I'm tired of doing this life alone. Now I am more alone then ever. Im so scared. I feel like that lost and lonely kid the first day I was taken away . . . knowing that home is gone and no longer an option but without any clue what is there to take its place. I'm lost. I'm scared. I want my parents. They are no longer there. Home is gone . . . im afraid I'm gone with it.